Friday, January 4, 2008

Meet Elizabeth Hise: "Aren't I Lucky...?"

"Aren’t I Lucky to Have Been Born in My Favorite City?"

I just didn’t live there – until three years ago. I was born in St. Louis, but my family lived (and still lives) just across the Mississippi River in Illinois. I started working in the city four years ago, claiming it as my own after I graduated from college. The quote in the title of this post is from the youngest daughter of the Smith family in the 1944 musical, Meet Me In St. Louis. The story revolves around a wealthy family around the time of the 1904 World’s Fair, back when St. Louis wasn’t considered the second most dangerous city in the United States (Seriously, folks, will someone please take another look at those stats?).

I love my life. I work for a marketing agency called Hughes, where I am a public relations manager for a variety of clients. I’m on the Young Friends board for the St. Louis Science Center. And I edit a small magazine here in the city. So how did I start writing for a blog about carpet, you ask? Wear-Dated carpet fiber has been a client at Hughes for quite a few years, and Christine Whittemore and I have worked together for the past year, drafting news releases, chatting about carpet and home design, and preparing ourselves for this blog and Wear-Dated’s upcoming new website in 2008.

But the thing is, I don’t exactly consider this work. Just please don’t tell my boss. My background is in writing, so drafting conversational vignettes for a witty, fun blog offers a bit of an escape from news releases and phone calls. And I love good design, furniture, paint, accessories, and, of course, carpet. I’m a twenty-something, so houses and condos are a main topic of conversation among my friends (Should I buy? Should I sell? How do I decorate?). Soon enough, my lease will be up, and I’ll need to make some of these same decisions myself. The more I know about carpet, its composition, how to clean it, and how it can enhance my home, the better these decisions will be.

I hope you'll find The Carpetology Blog just as much fun as I do. And I hope that wherever you lay your carpet, you're living in your favorite city.

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