Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Be a Red Carpet Reporter!

You're obsessed with celebrities. The camera loves you. And you simply adore the spotlight.

If this describes you, then visit's redcarpetreporter ASAP for a chance to become a red carpet reporter for one star-studded evening. But don't take your time - you only have until midnight on Wednesday, July 23, to upload your entry video.

YouTube and have joined forces to launch People's new YouTube channel, which features all the delicous gossip you read in print form in a brand spanking new video format. To market the new channel, they're sponsoring the Be A Red Carpet Reporter contest, the grand-prize winner of which gets to attend the Emmys in September with People's reporter, Michelle Beadle. Apparently, the winner will also enjoy two days in L.A., a wardrobe budget, and VIP entry at exclusive events.

Image from

Talk about red carpet treatment.
So if you've always wanted to fraternize with celebrities, now's your chance. Just don't forget the little people here at Carpetology who gave you the inspiration.

Good luck!


  1. the 10 finalists are up and i'm one of them! voting for the winner starts today over at

  2. Chescaleigh, that is absolutely fantastic! Congratulations and I hope you win. Thanks for sharing your good news here. Good luck.


Reminder: Please, no self-promotional or SPAM comments. Don't bother if you're simply trying to build inauthentic link juice. Finally, don't be anonymous: it's too hard to have a conversation. Thanks, CB