Sunday, October 26, 2008

Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us

Welcome to Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces!

Since 2006, a group of women bloggers focused on the customer experience has reserved one week each year to discuss a most important location - the ladies room. Because everyone needs them, restrooms are universally necessary, making them a hugely important - and often forgotten - part of the customer experience in retail locations.

This year, Christine and I are joining the conversation once again via both Carpetology and Flooring the Consumer. We encourage you to comment, get involved and send us your own experiences, both good and bad. We'll be discussing ladies rooms, of course, but also other forgotten spaces around us that could use a good sprucing up - entry ways, changing rooms or any other areas that affect the customer experience but aren't accorded the attention they deserve.

We Women of Wear-Dated, as well as our 18 other cohorts, will be posting on any and all topics related to the loo and how it impacts retail experiences. Last year’s Blogfest featured posts on such diverse topics as Disney Land, family-owned businesses, bus stations and better automatic flushers. [You can read last year's discussion here at the 2007 Bathroom Blogfest group site.] Look for even more creative posts this year...

Participating bloggers for the Bathroom Blogfest ’08 include:
Susan Abbott at Customer Experience Crossroads
Katia Adams at Transcultural Marketing
Shannon Bilby at Floor Talk!
Laurence Borel at Blog Till You Drop
Jo Brown and the blogging team at Kohler Talk
Lisbeth Calandrino at Lisbeth Calandrino
Sara Cantor at The Curious Shopper
Becky Carroll at Customers Rock!
Katie Clark at Practical Katie
Iris Shreve Garrott at Circulating
Ann Handley at Annarchy
Marianna Hayes at Results Revolution
Elizabeth Hise and C.B. Whittemore at The Carpetology Blog
Maria Palma at Customers Are Always
Sandra Renshaw at Purple Wren
Kate Rutter at Adaptive Path
Claudia Schiepers at Life and its little pleasures
Carolyn Townes at Becoming a Woman of Purpose
Stephanie Weaver at Experienceology
C.B. Whittemore at Flooring The Consumer

During Bathroom Blogfest 2008, look for photos and posts with the tags “#ladiesrooms08” on flickr,, Technorati, Twitter and Google and monitor this conversation about the customer experience, bathrooms and other forgotten spaces around us.

We look forward to hearing from you - Happy bathroom blogfesting! Tags: #ladiesroom08, Bathroom Blogfest


  1. Welcome to the blogfest, Elizabeth! Hope you have as much fun and learn as much as we do! Welcome to a great blogging experience. (wink)

  2. Thanks very much for the welcome, Marianna! I watched last year's Bathroom Blogfest unfold, so I'm eager to put in my own two cents this year - it's shaping up to be quite an experience.


Reminder: Please, no self-promotional or SPAM comments. Don't bother if you're simply trying to build inauthentic link juice. Finally, don't be anonymous: it's too hard to have a conversation. Thanks, CB