Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama Inauguration Reinvents Red Carpet

orignally uploaded by acaben.
Can you imagine a presidency and country more poised for change? Not only do I anticipate change in fashion, home trends and carpet styles because of the First Family's Sense of Style, but I also expect a more creative use of carpet for traditional red carpet events.

First, were you aware that President Obama is the first president ever to take the Oath of Office from a recycled, solid-blue carpet? [Although he retook it shortly thereafter] And that he stepped on a recycled carpet runner [blue bordered in red] to go from the bottom of the U.S. Capitol’s Rotunda steps to the West Front podium? This according to and Green carpet won't quite cover Inaugural footprint.

Then, there are the fancy parties and Inaugural Balls.

Ball Tickets originally uploaded by brdweb.

Although I didn't make it to a single one in Washington, D.C. [preferring a quiet Northern New Jersey family celebration], I do feel as if I have lived some of the events. Is it the same for you?

Not only has the news coverage of these ultimate Red Carpet events been impressive, but I love what has been captured via social media tools live facebook, flickr [from where the photos here come] and

The New York Times has a wonderful article titled The President, the People, the Parties which includes several slide shows of the events. The article itself is fascinating as it gives you a sense of the breathless excitement and joy of Tuesday's events.

I particularly enjoyed the carpet references:

"The planners of some of the big-ticket parties presented their events as accessible as well, like the Inaugural Purple Ball, which celebrated “bipartisanship, unity and diversity” in the words of organizers.

Thus a traditional red carpet representing exclusivity was deemed boring and out of date. Instead the ball had a purple carpet. Other, so-called “green” balls had their own, yes, green carpets."

I definitely sense a reinvention for red carpet. What say you?

Added 1/28/09:

From the 1/28/09 issue of Interior Design, Obama Sworn in on Bentley Prince Street Carpet. Congratulations Bentley Prince Street, a valued Ultron carpet fiber customer!

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