Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Design Reviews From The Floor Up ~ Silver Screen Surroundings

March's Design Reviews From The Floor Up introduces you to ::Silver Screen Surroundings::, another inspiring site from interior decorator Linda Merrill, owner of Chameleon Interiors in Massachusetts.

[Her company was included in a Washington Post article titled eDecorating - Web-Based Designers Click With Budget-Conscious Clients Who Want to Tackle Rooms Fast.]

Linda's background encompasses both visual and performing arts, something I learned when I profiled her original ::Surrondings:: site in Design Reviews From The Floor Up ~ Surroundings. That's when I discovered ::Silver Screen Surroundings:: which focuses on "Movie set decor, set decorators, and how to "Get that Look"." What a fabulous concept!

And, given the recent Academy Awards Red Carpet events, this seemed like the perfect site to share with you.

Linda asks: "Have you or has someone you know taken inspiration from a movie set for your own home decor? Would you like to share your images? Or, do you have a suggestion for a movie you'd like to see covered? Drop me a line at: linda.m.merrill (at) gmail.com."

What I love is how Linda dissects the onscreen decorator looks, demonstrating how to achieve them in ::Silver Screen Surroundings::. From Coco Chanel, to Benjamin Button to Marie Antoinette, and everything in between. Plus, she includes visuals that make my heart sing!

[I also love that Linda includes a Tutorial: Screen grabs when you need them! Thank you!]

Be sure to check out ::Silver Screen Surroundings:: and let me know which movie set decor inspires you the most. While you're there, explore the ::Movie Decor Cool Links::...

For previous sites included in this series, click on Design Reviews from the Floor Up. Or, visit our sidebar also titled 'Design Reviews from the Floor Up.'

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  1. Hi Christine - thank you so much for the wonderful profile!! I really appreciate all your kind words!!

  2. Linda, you are most welcome! I love how you have taken your original concepts and turned them into totally self contained entities. Bravo!


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