Thursday, October 29, 2009

Design Your Bathroom Around Your Rug!

Bathroom Rug MosaicIn preparing for the 4th annual Bathroom Blogfest, I came across a tweet [i.e., a Twitter post] from @PassionForRugs with a link to an article titled Bathroom Rug Mosaic, which delighted me! It showcased a bathroom that had been redesigned around a patterned rug [pictured here].

Don't you find the effect brilliant? What a marvelous way to make the 5th wall in a room the visual anchor for design!

The design premise had me thinking about Thom Filicia and Designing From The Floor Up.

It also reinforced what NKBA New Zealand described in summing up what it had observed from the entries to the 2009 NKBA Awards: "a return to clean and simple lines, kitchen and bathrooms that are minimalist in style but with a bold feature or texture."
Bathroom Blogfest 09
At around the same time, I came across a link [thanks to @TLSbyDesign] to NKBA's Top Ten Kitchen & Bath Design Trends for 2009. The trends include:

1. Steel counters
2. Glass elements
3. Stone hearths
4. Black & White kitchens
5. The return of chrome
6. Shoji screens
7. Tin ceilings
8. Floating cabinets
9. Mirrors away from the walls
10. Resin panels

Given these trends, and the wonderful potential that designing your bathroom - or any other room for that matter! - around your rug holds, how would you go about redesigning and coordinating for as marvelous an effect as the bathroom referred to above?

Happy Bathroom Blogfest 09!

For more information, and links to all of the 2009 Bathroom Blogfest posts, visit

Photo credit: Attic Mag, Bathroom Rug Mosaic

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  1. I assume that I love the colors in the rug, and that my infatuation with it isn't a one-time flirtation.

    If the latter, what a mess as one quickly tires of such purchases and effects! It costs so much to change ceramic tile and bathroom fixtures. It's not like changing, well....a rug.

    I would also make the rug carry the room's pattern, not the ceramic tile or wallpaper. I'd keep these classic and simple, not kist for myself, but in the event I need to sell the apartment or home. Boring is boring and crummy, but too flashy is a turnoff to potential buyers.

    On the other hand, if the rug is in a tiny WC, then I'd say "go crazy, why not?"

  2. Jeanne, I love your thought process and particularly applaud the "go crazy, why not?" approach. Thanks very much for commenting! CB

  3. I often do this...pick up colors from the carpet and the rug and built on that for the room.

  4. black mold removal home remedy, it's a fun way to add visual interest to a room! Thanks for visiting.

  5. I like your process of designing the bathroom. It is the first time I ever heard about it. Nice idea.

  6. hand knotted rugs, I hadn't thought of it either until this post. Now, it seems so obvious! Delighted you like the approach. Thanks for visiting.



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