Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Extreme Carpet Cleaning Homeowner Tips

Bethany Richmond discusses extreme carpet cleaning

Extreme Carpet Cleaning Story Yields Real Homeowner Carpet Cleaning Tips

My friend Bethany Richmond from the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI), recently posted an amazing carpet cleaning success story on the Carpet and Rug Institute Blog - about the Jet Stream Grill, a restaurant in Chattanooga, TN. Yes, it's about a commercial environment and not a residence. That means that it's the equivalent of an extreme carpet cleaning makeover situation and there are real lessons for home owners.

Carpet Cleaning Tips For Homeowners

More specifically,
  • Vacuum your carpet thoroughly and regularly and don't forget to check your vacuum bag on a regular basis. Be sure to replace it when it's full!
  • Don't just use any carpet cleaning product. Check out CRI's Seal of Approval (SOA) products which have earned that Seal of Approval by going through performance tests and meeting specific standards.
If you're interested in nitty gritty details, check out these two blogposts that Bethany wrote with more details on the Jet Stream Grill carpet cleaning project: Part 1 and Part 2.

And, here's the 6 minute video [Subscribers, click on this link to view the video.]

Since it's winter, you might also want to invest in Walk-Off Mats to Protect Carpet & Floors. I'm ready to reinstitute a 'no shoes inside' policy for my house.

Some of our previous posts about carpet cleaning, care and maintenance:
+ How to remove a carpet stain
+ Keeping Carpet Clean
+ Dog Day Afternoon

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hello Christine, The Carpetology Blog is such a great resource - and what a great way to spread the news about the Carpet and Rug Institute's Seal of Approval testing and certification program for carpet cleaning! When CRI says "only the best pass the test", we mean it, and we have the testing to back it up! Thanks for your help getting this useful information out.

  2. Bethany, you are welcome! The whole story is powerful in making the case for keeping carpet clean. CB

  3. Thanks for the tips, this sure would help maintain a clean and germ free carpets.
    Oriental Rug Cleaning

  4. Angel, you are welcome! Thanks for commenting.


  5. This is a great post with Carpet Cleaning great tips. these tips are very helpful for me. thanks for the my help!!!!!

  6. You are most welcome, Colorado Spring Carpet. All the best to you in your business. Best, CB

  7. Heavy traffic, stains of food, ink, gum etc may damage the carpets at any time. Continuous maintenance is essential for the commercial carpets. Regular and daily cleaning programs help to retain the beauty of commercial carpets. You may want to consider hiring a carpet cleaning company. This is an excellent way to get a terrific job done for a reasonable price. You can also visit :- carpet cleaning Richmond

  8. Mike, thanks for confirming good carpet cleaning practices. I'm sure that readers in the BC area will visit your site.


  9. Very useful tips indeed.Not only cleaning the carpet with a vacuum cleaner but also checking the status of the vacuum bag is very very essential.

  10. five boros, I'm delighted to hear you say so! All of that helps avoid mold, too, no?


  11. Keep up the great work! We always spread the good word about Carpetology!

  12. Thanks, Oriental Rugs! I appreciate your getting the word out!


  13. true it is most important to clean the vacuum cleaner also.The bag gets dirty and therefore needs to be cleaned regularly.

  14. Hi Christine. Nice and very informative blog you have here. You really site the important things to consider when cleaning up a house carpet. You also sited up hiring a professional carpet cleaner which is advantageous if you have a big house or place where you installed a carpet. A carpet cleaner expert can really give you additional tips as well once you hired one. Anyway, before hiring somebody make sure that you have an initial background about the company. Avoid those companies who do "bump the price later".

  15. Greg, that is great advice. What questions can potential customers ask so they can avoid bump-the-price-later companies?

    Thanks for adding to the conversation.


  16. Being vigilant should come into mind when it comes to services in particular with carpet cleaning. For me christine, I usually ask a few questions like:
    1.Is your service a package deal?
    2.Is your customer satisfied after a job well done?
    3.Do you know what you are doing?
    or you can actually think of any questions you like that way you can be able to avoid the situation (bump the price later).

  17. Greg, I know readers will appreciate your suggestions. Thank you.


  18. Nice Blog, congrats...



  19. Thanks, Alex! Would you add to these tips?



Reminder: Please, no self-promotional or SPAM comments. Don't bother if you're simply trying to build inauthentic link juice. Finally, don't be anonymous: it's too hard to have a conversation. Thanks, CB