Wednesday, March 17, 2010

BuildDirect Recommends Gurus To Follow

BuildDirect Building Materials BlogMy friend Rob Jones at BuildDirect has started a wonderful series highlighting Gurus To Follow On Twitter.

The most recent - 14 Gardening and Landscaping Gurus You Should Follow On Twitter - seems particularly relevant given that it's St. Patrick's Day.

There's something about this time of year and the focus on green [see Green Around The World for more green inspiration] that calls attention to the return of Spring and the opportunity to return outdoors...

So, check out Rob's Gardening and Landscaping Gurus - including those listed in the comments.

If the outdoors become too overwhelming, I suggest you recharge indoors with Rob's 12 Interior Design Gurus To Follow and 10 Home Improvement Gurus To Follow.

Thanks, Rob, for the inspiration and the great resources!

If there are others you'd add to these lists, let me or Rob know.

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