Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Surfaces Blog: Source of Carpet Style Trends & More!

Surfaces BlogHave you had a chance to visit the Surfaces Blog? If you're looking for design inspiration, ideas on carpet style trends and colors, with a dash of carpet - or surfaces - industry practicality thrown in, you will enjoy your visit!

The Surfaces Blog is managed by my friend Chelsie Z. Thornton, conference manager for Hanley Wood Exhibitions' SURFACES | StonExpo/Marmomacc Americas. [See Anticipating Surfaces 2011.]

My very favorite contributor is Victoria Redshaw who regularly shares entrancing thoughts and images that send my soul singing because of the combination of colors, patterns, and artistic inspiration.

You may remember Victoria from several previous posts:

+ Design Trends 2010: Carpet, Floors & More
+ Celebrating Carpet: UK's Fun On the Floor With Style

[I'm delighted to say that she is as inspiring in person. You see, I got to meet her and spend time with her at Surfaces 2010...]

In addition to flooring and carpet style trend information, the Surfaces Blog offers flooring business insights. Paul Friederichsen shares perspective on marketing and branding; Warren Tyler on sales; Lew Migliore on how to deal with flooring issues and how best to care for flooring. And others. All experts in their fields.

But, there's no one else like Victoria!

Do read the Surfaces Blog and let me know what you think.


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