Wednesday, June 16, 2010

World Cup Extends To Grass Carpet

World Cup Grass CarpetYes, the amazing 2010 FIFA World Cup TM soccer or football [depending on where in the world you are :)] competition is underway in more ways than one. That's right, it extends to grass carpet!

According to Artificial grass woven into real turf at World Cup, Desso Sports Systems has created the Desso GrassMaster which ensures that the World Cup stadiums offer the best possible grass carpet for the teams playing.

It's a grass turf solution that has been used in the United States for the National Football League's Denver Broncos, Green Bay Packers and Philadelphia Eagles as well as in Europe for rugby (a.o. Vodacom Stormers-Newlands Stadium). 

Here's what I found fascinating about this product: it blends natural grass with artificial grass! Check out this information from the Desso GrassMaster website:

the roots of the natural grass grow around the injected artificial grass resulting in a stronger pitch
"Desso GrassMaster is a sports field of 100% natural grass reinforced with Desso synthetic grass fibres. The unique element of this patented reinforced natural grass system is the 20 million artificial grass fibres injected 20 cm deep into the pitch. During the growing process, the roots of the natural grass entwine with the synthetic grass fibres and anchor the turf into a stable and even field. In this way the natural grass fibres are well protected against tackles and sliding. Moreover, it ensures better drainage of the pitch. Despite the fact that 3% of the pitch is made up of synthetic grass fibres, Desso GrassMaster gives players the feeling of playing on a 100% natural grass pitch."

Can you tell that I'm in awe!

GrassMaster truly goes beyond Cushioning Play with Astro Turf Carpet.  How marvelous to see it being put through its paces at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, don't you think?

And, to put all of this competition - grass carpet and football or soccer - into perspective, have you watched this Nike Football video?

[Subscribers, click on Nike Football Write The Future for the link to YouTube.]

May the best team and grass carpet win the World Cup!

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