Thursday, July 8, 2010

Carpetright Style Guide: Carpet Inspiration Online

Carpetright Style Guide: carpet inspiration online
How many flooring or carpet retailers have you encountered that offer customers interior style advice? Not that many, right?  Imagine then being inspired and guided online by an incredibly talented interiors trend forecaster who not only offers advice on how to make the most of your flooring or carpet decision, but also helps integrate the floor into an overall design concept.  That is what Carpetright in the UK has done with its Style Guide.

I learned about the Carpetright Style Guide from my friend Victoria Redshaw whom you may remember from Celebrating Carpet: UK's Fun on the Floor with Style, Design Trends 2010: Carpet, Floors & More, and Surfaces Blog: Source of Carpet Style Trends & More! She provides the guidance, inspiration and overall interior style advice for the Carpetright Style Guide.

Here is the post Victoria wrote on the subject in the Scarlet Opus Blog. It's titled Reaching Out to Customers With Carpetright.

She explains that the Carpetright Style Guide helps customers understand how important flooring is to the overall design scheme and achieve an entire look rather than a piecemeal one.  As Victoria explains "we wanted to help customers to understand how flooring can be an integral part of creating the hottest new interior trends in their own home... and of course let them know what those hot trends are."

The lowdown is as follows: every six months, Carpetright will showcase 3 new interior trends on their website and via in-store posters with montages of home products currently available at UK stores. Trend boards will help demonstrate how the entire look comes together.

As of July 2010, the trends you'll find on the website include:

Which is your favorite?

Furthermore, every month Victoria shares a valuable design and style related tip:

January - In Praise of Pattern
February - Getting To Grips With Grey
March - Blue is the Hot New Color for 2010
April - Make a Colour Statement in your Hall
May - Movie Magic
June - Making a Sample Board

I can't wait to read about the July tip!

The Carpetright Style Guide is practical, inspiring, helpful, educational and truly beautiful! And I love how completely it integrates carpet and flooring into the final look/feel of each design concept.

What do you think?

Congratulations Victoria and Carpetright for creating such a rich source of carpet inspiration online and integrating it with your in-store experience!


  1. Your blog is very nice. thank you very much for the advice given on this article. i like this blog!!!!!

    Colorado Springs Carpet

  2. Kathleen, I appreciate all of your comments. Many thanks!


  3. Propaclean, thank you! Hope to see you again.



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