Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Foot's Perspective - Episode 5

The building gets its name from a poem of the same name and pictured here to the right. "The Art of Living" by James Michener [although it has also been attributed to Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand and a Zen master] reads as follows:

"A master in the art of living draws
no sharp distinction between his
work and his play, his labor
and his leisure, his mind and his
body, his education and his
recreation. He hardly knows
which is which.

He simply pursues his vision
of excellence through whatever
he is doing and leaves others to
determine whether he is working
or playing. To himself he always
seems to be doing both."

Inspired by such wisdom, Elizabeth and I decided to take a break from discussing the Wear-Dated website launch.

[Subscribers, please follow this YouTube link to view the video.]

We've included a close up of the carpet referred to in the video. What doesn't fully come through is the delicious stripe of royal/sky blue... Imagine that faint blue in the carpet closer to that of the wall.

The Art of Living building itself has tremendous charm and warmth.

Built in 1903, it is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and has been lovingly and cleverly converted into office space. The most marvelous aspect of the conversion is that much of the internal space consists of common meeting areas - informal discussion areas, formal meeting rooms, impromptu collaboration areas - that all have access to.

As you enter the building lobby, a large frame featuring The Art of Living poem [see above photo] greets you on the left, setting the stage for your interactions in this building.

We hope this episode of A Foot's Perspective inspires you to fully embrace The Art of Living.

Thank you for watching!

Previous episodes can be viewed by clicking on these links:

+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 4
+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 3
+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 2
+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 1

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