Monday, August 18, 2008

Carpet Works In Amazing Ways

Image courtesy of KNBC, Los Angeles
Residents of Porterville, California seem recently to have been 'touched' by carpet. It's truly wonderful! Two early August news stories from KNBC in Los Angeles provide details on how carpet works in amazing ways...

First, Hundreds Flock To See Angel In Carpet Store Window - Image Can Only Be Seen At Night.


According to the article, "The image ... only shows up when the Express Mart" [across the street] "turns on its lights, which has led some people to believe the so-called miracle is just a reflection.

The owner of the gas station said he started getting threats when he began leaving the light off at night because of the crowds. The owner has since agreed to turn the lights back on at night."

From the image above, you can see what has people seeing angels in a carpet store.

But, that's not all! That's right, there's more: Faithful See Jesus In Tree Near Carpet-Store Angel - Sightings Create Circus-Like Atmosphere.

Image courtesy of KNBC Los Angeles.
The latest sighting appears in a palm tree only 50 feet away from that very same carpet store window. You know, the one where the angel appears.

The reactions are mixed.

From the article, one observer - Ramona Esquia - says "It's something of God. A sign maybe to the ones that don't know God yet, so they can know."

Another says a window glare made it all happen...

However, a minister from a just-formed church close to the carpet store - Marcos De La Cruz - says "residents are experiencing a spiritual awakening."

Or, perhaps residents are simply experiencing renewed appreciation for what carpet offers.

Wouldn't you agree that carpet works in amazing ways?

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