Saturday, August 16, 2008

Support Your Local Red Carpet Reporter!

At the end of July, The Carpetology Blog was quite taken with a fetching little contest called Be a Red Carpet Reporter.

Sponsored by YouTube and, it gave average Joes and Janes the opportunity to schmooze and mingle with Hollywood celebrities for one night simply by submitting a two-minute interview video to the site. None of us here actually submitted anything, but, secretly, we all wished they would automatically consider us because of our charm, wit and affinity for carpet of all colors, including red.

Today, all of our dreams came true. Sort of.

Chescaleigh left us a little gem of a comment, alerting us to the fact that A) the top 10 contest submissions were posted, and B) she is one of them!

It's the next best thing to being finalists ourselves. Carpetology is officially living vicariously through Chescaleigh who - with a little more digging - we discovered that we like a lot!

*Her name is Francesca, and she's a self-described graphic designer, singer and comedian who works by day for the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce.

*She has a great sense of style and (here's my favorite part) shops at Target!

*She gives a delightful interview - check out her video on YouTube here:

Don't you just want to be her friend? If you find yourself with a spare moment anytime between now and August 25, send Chescaleigh a note of encouragement and, more importantly, vote for her in the contest!

If she wins, we all win. Please, vote for Chescaleigh.
Added 8/21/08: per AS SEEN ON THE WEB
A red-carpet battle royale,
Francesca is a finalist. Hurray!

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