Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Foot's Perspective - Episode 14

This episode of A Foot's Perspective comes again from my Mom's house - as did episode 12.

My Mom's house features quite a range of carpet throughout. Not only does she have wall to wall carpet, but she also readily places area rugs on top of carpet. That's how she infuses color into her design scheme, as you see here.

She also has bound rugs - rugs that she will have created or custom cut from broadloom selections.
Although her preferred color scheme is light and airy, more than anyone else I've met she loves to mix patterns. And it works. This one you see below abuts the double construction style in her dining room. It also works well with the strong area rug patterns.

Finally, she mixes soft with hard surface, while maximizing the soft surfaces for visual appeal, for comfort and to dampen sound - this central living area is quite open with flights of stairs connecting upstairs and downstairs; both staircases are carpeted.

This episode of A Foot's Perspective shows you the variety of my Mom's carpet style selections. You'll see the contrast between hard and soft surfaces, as well as how the pattern variety works together. I'm very pleased to share with you carpet design inspiration direct from my Mom's home.

[Subscribers, please click on this link to view the video.]

Thank you for watching!

For the most recent episode, visit A Foot's Perspective - Episode 13. Or you can scroll through previous blogposts with links to all previous episodes of A Foot's Perspective.

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