Monday, November 10, 2008

Design Reviews from the Floor Up ~ Another Shade of Grey

Image below features postcards by Robert Socha.

November's Design Reviews from the Floor Up comes to you from a little design blog that's been around since 2006. It appealed to me first because its title reminded me of Procol Harum's A Whiter Shade of Pale, and second, because, well... it's great.

Another Shade of Grey is written by a blogger named Julie and offers simple, understated posts.

Often, these posts will include only a word or two and a vibrant photograph. Sometimes, she'll simply post a photo of something that inspires her, like a painting or a piece of jewelry. Other times, she'll expound more, expressing just why the piece she's discussing makes a statement or offering a few descriptive words. Always her posts are intelligent and thoughtful; usually they offer a bit of wit and humor as well.

We loved this hand-knotted rug by Anne Reynolds.

I think I appreciate this blog most because of its simplicity. There's no excessive rambling - just good design and good conversation. Julie has a solid following of people who respect her and her findings, sometimes commenting, sometimes not.

That being said, I leave you to enjoy Another Shade of Grey. More good design next time with Design Reviews from the Floor Up.

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