Friday, November 7, 2008

Post-Election Carpet All Wrapped Up

[Image courtesy of]
After a long campaign and an even longer election day (or so it seemed), Barack Obama was named President-Elect of the United States of America. Because this election was historic in so many ways, we wanted to acknowledge it by wrapping it up in a style all our own... through more election carpet stories!

The Red Carpet Fashion Awards, a blog that discusses high-end fashion, discussed Michelle Obama's red and black dress in its Runway to Election Night post and debated whether or not it was indeed a Narciso Rodriguez. "Michelle Obama wore a black cropped cardigan over her black and red ombre dress which had a criss cross black satin detail cross her waist - which is very much a Narciso Rodriguez trademark - when it was confirmed that her husband was indeed the President of the United States of America, at a gathering in Grant Park in Chicago, Illinois." (It was indeed a Rodriguez, although fashionistas everywhere expressed mixed opinions about it).

In Missouri, the House of Representatives' Chamber is about to receive a makeover. According to an article from the Associated Press, "The Missouri House will be rolling out a brand new red carpet for lawmakers coming to the Capitol for the 2009 session." Chosen to resemble the Capitol's original carpet, it will feature a pattern of yellow circles on a red background.

Pre-election, Sarah Palin came to St. Louis to throw out the first puck at a St. Louis Blues hockey game. So the story goes, the stadium rolled out carpet from the Blues bench to center ice for Palin and her family. Blues goalie, Manny Legace, was the first player out on the ice before the ceremony, was warned of the carpet, but it slipped just as he stepped onto it. Although he played during the first period, his strained left hip flexor proved too painful for him to continue. Never fear - he should be ready for the team's upcoming West Coast trip.

[Image from the Guardian. Photography credit: Wally McNamee/Corbis]

A blogger with the U.K.'s Guardian newspaper discussed a topic that we've actually covered here at The Carpetology Blog in a post called Presidential Design & Carpet: "The Oval Office carpet." "George Bush joked that the first decision of any new president is what kind of carpet he wants. So what kind of rug will Barack Obama choose?" Each president designs or chooses the carpet that is found on the floor of the Oval Office. In Change is coming... to the Oval Office rug, Matthew Weaver discusses the fact that each president's carpet is different (George W. Bush's carpet was designed by Laura, Gerald Ford went 70s casual with his brown rug) and ponders what Obama will choose.

And now, we wrap up another hard-hitting report on election carpet. We wish all of our lawmakers and President-Elect Obama the very best in the years to come... and may carpet inspire them!

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  1. Never would have guessed that you could view the President through carpet choices. Now I've seen that you can and it's quite fascinating. Thanks for a great post on this topic.

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by, Robyn. We've certainly developed quite an interesting perspective of the world just by viewing it in terms of carpet!


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