Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Foot's Perspective - Episode 6

Episode 6 of A Foot's Perspective comes from the schoolroom of Teacher Emma. That's code for my daughter's room.

As described in In The Garden, Around The House: Endless Uses for Carpet Scraps, pieces of carpet can lead to all kinds of fun end uses.

My daughter's Montessori school uses them to do work. Students pull one or two rugs [i.e., carpet samples] to do a puzzle, trace sandpaper letters, assemble a geography puzzle, or complete number exercises and other learning games. The child doesn't sit on the carpet; rather s/he uses it to position the elements of the project.

The carpet as source of delight and backdrop for activity has become so ingrained in my daughter's psyche that she regularly borrows my work samples for her own end uses: stepping stones through an imaginary forest filled with good and bad fairies, pretend grass for horses, or even sleeping mats for her stuffed animals - oops, I mean her students.

I share with you, then, episode 6 of A Foot's Perspective from Teacher Emma's schoolroom.

[Subscribers, please follow this YouTube link to view the video.]

Since my daughter graduates from Kindergarten this week, I dedicate this episode to my daughter's teacher of three years, Dawn Winkler. Mrs. Winkler has patiently listened, taught, guided and inspired my daughter. We will miss her tremendously. Thank you, Mrs. Winkler!

And, thank you for watching!

Previous episodes can be viewed by clicking on these links:
+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 5
+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 4
+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 3
+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 2
+ A Foot's Perspective - Episode 1

N.B.: The carpet you see in my daughter's room is very similar to World Palette, the carpet I describe in Carpet Style Provides World Palette of Choices.

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