On October 29, 2008, Forrester announced the results in 2008 Forrester Groundswell Awards Winners.... No, we didn't win the top spot in the Talking category. However, we did win.
We won because our entry generated the most fantastic reviews and testimonials for The Carpetology Blog from you that I could ever hope for - in my wildest dreams! In other words, we won together.
Thank you!
I have recaptured them here - all 14 of them - to celebrate what we accomplished together.
Excellent Blog - Reviewed October 23, 2008 by BloggingMom from Raleigh, NCI have recaptured them here - all 14 of them - to celebrate what we accomplished together.
I found this Carpet blog on YouTube and found it very helpful and informative. I used the carpet cleaning information right away. Thanks for the help!
A winner! - Reviewed September 19, 2008 by lvpfussbudget from Lexington, KY
This site is full of everything carpet and does an excellent job of keeping all readers up-to-the-minute within the industry. I love that it is written from women to women, but is still pertinent to men as well. The writers are intelligent and engaging. Very well done!
Educational & Entertaining - Reviewed September 19, 2008 by CarpetGirl from Indiana
Educational & Entertaining - Reviewed September 19, 2008 by CarpetGirl from Indiana
It's educational and entertaining. A great source for all things relating to carpet.
inspiring! - Reviewed September 19, 2008 by carpetqueen
inspiring! - Reviewed September 19, 2008 by carpetqueen
great blog!informative, humorous, charming, creatively inspiring.
Lead me thru the hype - Reviewed September 18, 2008 by challenged
Lead me thru the hype - Reviewed September 18, 2008 by challenged
So often in a blog or web information site the vision is narrow. In a industry that has a vast selection process. Products that look the same but truly perform differently. It serves the consumer and the trade well to receive inspiration and direction from professionals that look outside of the simple interest of their product. The trade recognizes performance, however very few are able to address more than one section (theirs) of the industry. Great Job women of Wear-Dated. You have help complete the picture for consumers and trade professionals.
WOWd - Reviewed September 5, 2008 by softy from Dalton, GA
WOWd - Reviewed September 5, 2008 by softy from Dalton, GA
I antipate every new blog.It is exciting and inspirationalit is clever, fun, and educational
It is exceptional for the purpose of soft floor
And it is never a snore
Keep up the great efforts
Fantastic - Reviewed September 3, 2008 by Surfincow from Murrieta, CA
It is exceptional for the purpose of soft floor
And it is never a snore
Keep up the great efforts
Fantastic - Reviewed September 3, 2008 by Surfincow from Murrieta, CA
The Women of Wear-Dated write a fantastic blog with information that is helpful to both the retailer and the buyer. I learn something from every blog that I read. Keep it up ladies!
Never predictable! - Reviewed September 2, 2008 by SallyK from NH
Never predictable! - Reviewed September 2, 2008 by SallyK from NH
Having been a part of this industry for over 32 years, I absolutely LOVE how this blog ALWAYS piques my interest by being totally fascinating as well as unpredictable - whether I'm reading about a gym that could have done better listening to customers or an Elvis festival with its own unique efforts at brand building or the latest design trends complete with a photo of the hot pink display carpeting - this blog is fun, educational and inspiring! Thank you Ms. Whittemore and your team at WD for teaching an old dog some new tricks!
The Dean - Reviewed September 2, 2008 by Cynic from Miami, Fl
The Dean - Reviewed September 2, 2008 by Cynic from Miami, Fl
Ms. Whittemore's advice and insights have lifted her to be the voice and Dean of the industry.She is the one person that consumers and industry wags alike look up to and trust. A remarkable blog and a remarkable woman.
Carpeting, I mean marketing genius - Reviewed August 21, 2008 by DeDe from Kinnelon NJ
Carpeting, I mean marketing genius - Reviewed August 21, 2008 by DeDe from Kinnelon NJ
Christine is a marekting maven to the nth degree. I have learned more about the consumer experience and how everything around us is trend related. It not only makes me want to go shopping for new carpeting but it also makes me aware of carpeting and flooring no matter the venue! Kudos!
Praise for Carpetology - Reviewed August 21, 2008 by Shannon from Denver, CO
Praise for Carpetology - Reviewed August 21, 2008 by Shannon from Denver, CO
Carpetology does a fantastic job of giving consumers helpful, useful and relevant information regarding the carpet industry. It's a great place to get design ideas, the latest styles and colors and general advice!
Reviewed August 21, 2008 by Shirley from Berwyn, PA
Reviewed August 21, 2008 by Shirley from Berwyn, PA
My review of the carpetogly site is rated high because, not only did I learn much but I was directed to another site called Wear-Dated.com which had more knowledge about carpet construction, fibers and maintenence than I knew existed. I'm much more confident now to shop for carpet as well as assure of the colors I want
Voice of the Customer - Reviewed August 21, 2008 by armymom from Atlanta, GA
Voice of the Customer - Reviewed August 21, 2008 by armymom from Atlanta, GA
This case study in particular and the Carpetology blog in general does an excellent job of appealing the consumer....the female consumer. A refreshing change of pace to see a group who understands the need to speak/market to women in a unique way....they obviously understand, appreciate and celebrate their target audience!
impactful - Reviewed August 19, 2008 by BeachBum from Orange Beach AL
Powerful and intelligent women impacting the future and success of the Wear-Dated Carpet Fiber brand by educating consumers in the most current and relevant manner------------------
From the very bottom of my heart, Thank You!
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