Today wraps up Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us. This week has been a great experience, reminding all of us both participating and reading that ladiesrooms make a big impression on us as both consumers and human beings. Before we conclude the 'Fest, I wanted to introduce you to a few fun bathroom Web sites. Feel free to use these to locate the best (and stay far away from the worst) public restrooms for when you're on the go -- while carpet shopping perhaps!
Described as "the best of the best public restrooms from across America as voted on by the Internet Public," this Web site allows you to nominate a restroom, explore the America's Best Restroom Hall of Fame or read about the current ABR,
Hermitage Hotel in Fairfield, OH. The contest is in its seventh year and is sponsored by CINTAS, a provider of restroom hygiene products and services.

Here, you can locate and rate restrooms anywhere in the world. They even have an iPhone app so you can rate on the go. Should you sit or should you squat? It's up to you to decide...
Clever and useful! "MizPee finds the closest, cleanest toilets in your area. You can add and review toilets, get some cool deals in your area and challenge your knowledge of toilet trivia." You can even access MizPee on the go, simply by entering your cell phone number and carrier. Or, if you're in Europe, check out MizPee's You're-a-Peein' site...

This site offers a full search of bathrooms in over 120 countries, including 9,000 locations in the United States. Read a multitude of travel essays on bathroom experiences around the world (Tawdry Tales of Tacky Toilets), nominate an exceptional restroom for a Golden Plunger, or add a bathroom to the list of good or bad.
We wish you well on all your journeys - here's to locating a clean bathroom along the way so you can enjoy carpet and other shopping!
Technorati Tags: #ladiesrooms08, Bathroom Blogfest, MizPee, SitOrSquat, BathroomDiaries Tags: #ladiesrooms08, Bathroom Blogfest, MizPee, SitOrSquat, BathroomDiaries
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